This film derives its inspiration from classic Godzilla films while simultaneously reinventing the genre. Unlike other monster movies that tell the story on a massive scale, this film puts the audience directly in the shoes of civilians who are struggling to survive. I haven’t experienced such a sense of helplessness in cinema since War of the Worlds in 2005.
The film is presented as though it were recorded entirely on a handheld camcorder. The cameraman, Hud (played by T.J. Miller), serves as the audience’s eyes and ears. We know what he knows; nothing more, nothing less. He often runs frantically, providing only glimpses of the terrors around him. This comes across as a believably realistic account of what a person might manage to record in the midst of such a tragedy.
There is no musical score in this film, save for a seven-minute operatic overture during the credits that was composed by Michael Giacchino. The absence of non-diegetic music adds to the realism of the film and was a wise decision on the part of the director. The visual and sound design of the film create an authentic and exhilarating experience that had me asking myself, “What would I do in this situation?”
It’s not often that a good monster film is made, but Cloverfield hits the mark. Relatable characters, immersive cinematography, and precise direction provide a unique and entertaining cinematic experience.
STEVE - After months and months of internet promotions for Producer J.J. Abrams (creator of Lost) newest baby, I made my way to the nearest theater curious to see if Cloverfield lived up to its interweb hype. Now I’ll admit I wasn’t too excited to go see this movie. I sincerely thought that Cloverfield was going to be a complete waste of my time. You have unknown actors, a relatively unknown director, all in a Godzilla meets Blair Witch type movie that’s told from the point of view of a character (that is ironically named HUD) that happens to have a video camera. Truth be told, the real reason I wanted to go see Cloverfield was because I had an inkling that the new Star Trek trailer was going to be in front of it. And it was… and it was AWESOME. So now that I have sufficiently destroyed any chance of dating a woman on this campus, allow me to give you my actual thoughts on the sure to be cult favorite, Cloverfield.
When I wasn’t to busy getting annoyed with the camera, which was rarely centered on the action so that I could barely tell what was going on half the time, or looking at people’s shoes (which you surprisingly do a lot of in this movie) I was actually, dare I say it, enjoying myself. Now mind you those moments were rare, mainly due to our point of view cameraman (HUD) who couldn’t run a camera or steady one if his life depended on it. All that aside however, Cloverfield really wasn’t that bad of a movie.
There were some pretty sweet special effects in this film. The monster looked great, and the movie did a successful job of scaring its audience. And even though I’m sure some if not most will hate the ending of this movie, I thought that it was great. Brilliant. Well done writer Drew Goddard, an innovative way to end the picture.
So overall, it looks like I’d have to say that I surprisingly enjoyed Cloverfield. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that the shaky, hand-held, point-of-view camera system ultimately made the film suffer. The technique, though unique and probably a great idea on paper, held the movie back from its full potential. Perhaps with a more cinematic approach, Cloverfield could have been the great American monster picture. Instead, I guess we’ll just have to keep watching dubbed-over Godzilla movies.