It was an interesting film, but it lacked some of the suspense and wit that made the classics, classics. I think the script needed a good going over before they filmed. One or two plot holes and an anticlimactic ending left me feeling disappointed. But I didn’t think this was to blame on the writers part but more so the directors.
The Good German is Soderbegh’s homage to the movie making style of the 40’s… when the film noir was first invented (Maltese Falcon anyone?). He does a pretty decent job of it with the credits and the transitions and by making the film black and white. Not to mention the setting of last scene (which I won’t reveal, go watch for yourself). However his camera work was far too modern, which I think might have hurt him in this case.
As for the actors I’d have to say I’m a little disappointed. Cate (Blanchett) was good, but not her best, and I guess I could say the same for George (Clooney). Now as for Toby (Maguire), I’d have to say nice try, but it doesn’t work for me. Toby can’t play the bad ass, tough guy (which he does in this film). It doesn’t work for me.

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